Notice Board
Pilot Project: Minor Ailment Prescribing with Pharmacist Mena Ibrahim and the Team from MDM Pharmacy at Dixie Road Medical
Beginning Tuesday February 20 2024, Mena Ibrahim and his team will be offering pharmacy-led Minor Ailment Prescribing for our DRMA patients.
Patients will be able to log onto MDM to book a same-day or next-day phone call or video call with Mena or another team member, or may be directed to do so when calling our office to speak to a medical office assistant (MOA) or a nurse for one of the minor health conditions the Ministry of Health (MOH) deems appropriate for pharmacy-led Minor Ailment Prescribing:
The list of minor ailments includes: Acne, Allergic rhinitis, Aphthous Ulcers (canker sores), Candidal stomatitis (oral thrush), Conjunctivitis (bacterial, allergic and viral), Dermatitis/Rash (atopic, eczema, allergic and contact), Diaper dermatitis, Dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramp pain), Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Hemorrhoids, Herpes labialis (oral cold sores), Impetigo, Insect bites and urticaria (hives) Tick bites (post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent Lyme Disease), Musculoskeletal sprains and strains (ankle, shoulder, etc.), Pinworms and threadworms, Urinary tract infections (uncomplicated), Vulvovaginal candidiasis (yeast infection)
Here is the link for Main Drug Mart at mdmpharmacy.com and where patients can select the button for “Virtual Clinic Minor Ailments”:
MDM Pharmacy at Dixie Road
We hope that the benefits of this pilot project for our Dixie Road patients will be:
- The ability for us to provide more same-day service to DRMA patients between appointments with our physician team and with Mena and the MDM Pharmacy Team
- Saving more of our urgent same-day and same-week in-office appointments for patients who require physician assessment for more complicated issues.
- Fast access to an appointment with one of the physicians on our team when Mena and the MDM Team are not able to fully manage a concern and notify us that a doctor’s appointment is needed.
Please Don’t Use Walk-In Clinics!
Call DRMA for a same-day, next-day or same-week appointment for urgent matters, and remember that our Friday Night and Saturday After-Hours Clinics Run Every Week with the Only Exception Being Statutory Holidays
Monday through Friday from 8:00 am-8:00 pm our physician team reserves same-day access appointments for our Dixie Road patients. Our Friday Night 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm and Saturday 10:00 am- 3:00 pm clinic hours can be accessed by calling in during those hours to secure an In-Person or Virtual Care appointment slot, and walk-in patients will be accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis as well based on appointment availability. The reasons we ask you NOT to use a walk-in clinic are:
- It is always safer and smarter for your own doctor or another physician on our team to see you. We have your medical records and a more comprehensive understanding of your medical needs, your medications, and your history of allergic reactions and medication intolerances.
- It is unnecessary and costly duplication of service if you see a walk-in doctor, are unsure about their advice, and then call for an appointment at Dixie Road anyway (this happens all the time!).
- The Ministry of Health claws back the value of a walk-in clinic visit from our remuneration for your care and it really isn’t fair that we are penalized financially when you choose to go elsewhere.
- We are here to assist you, so please make use of our services.
- If you need help urgently after-hours, or if all of our same-day appointments are gone, we strongly encourage you to visit the Urgent Care Centre at Trillium’s Queensway Site at 150 Sherway Drive, open 365 days a year from 3:00pm-9:00 pm.
Thank you for helping us help you! Our mandate is to provide for your care.
Our regular hours are Mon-Fri 8:00 am -8:00 pm and Saturday 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. We are here to meet your health care needs.
We offer both In-Person Care for assessment and care that requires a face-to-face visit to the office and Virtual Care (Telephone or Video Conference Appointments) for health needs that can be safely met that way. If you have tested positive for COVID-19, you can be assigned a phone call appointment to review your symptoms and discuss whether the anti-viral medication paxlovid is advisable for you. Please call front desk at 905-279-1700 and we will guide you about the appropriate appointment type for your concerns. Combined care delivery with In-Person and Virtual Care visits is the new normal in Primary Care in Ontario, and throughout Canada. As of December 2022, the MOH rule is that your physician can offer you virtual care phone or video appointments if they are appropriate, as long as you are seeing your physician in-person at least once every 24 months.
Masks are now optional at the clinic, although we do ask that you mask if you are in with infection symptoms (cough, sore throat, fever, runny nose, etc.). If you are coming in with illness symptoms that could be COVID-19, we ask that you do a rapid test for COVID-19 at home before you come into the clinic. If you do not have access to a rapid test at home, we can provide one for you upon your arrival at the clinic.
We unfortunately still continue to have ill symptomatic patients and COVID-19 positive patients attempt to enter the clinic with no mask on. We need to protect our staff and the patients we are caring for at the clinic. If you have tested positive for COVID-19 and need medical support and advice, please call the clinic to be assigned a Virtual Care phone call appointment.
Please Do Not Email the Clinic for Urgent Medical Requests
While every effort is being made to respond to patient’s email requests, the volume of emails we receive often means that it takes us 1-4 business days to respond to an email. As such, please DO NOT email the clinic about urgent requests like acute illness symptoms. Please reserve emails for routine, non-urgent requests, and try not to email us medical information that is actually the content of an In-Person or Virtual Care visit. If you require same-day or next-day attention for your symptoms or concerns, please call the office to speak to a medical office assistant or a nurse, and to be assigned an appointment as needed. Thank you.
Do I Need COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Doses? Yes!
At this point in the pandemic, with almost 5 years of medical research information available, booster vaccine doses remain the very best tool in the fight against COVID-19.
Keeping your immunity as strong as possible through ongoing booster vaccine doses is the best way to:
- avoid getting the virus in the first place
- avoid the possibility of becoming a long-COVID sufferer if you do get the virus
- avoid spreading the virus to your loved ones, particularly those who are elderly or medically more vulnerable
- keep yourself 90% protected against hospitalization and death
If you’ve had COVID-19, then your next booster dose is advisable 6-12 months after you tested positive for COVID-19 or 6-12 months after your last booster vaccine dose, depending on how high risk a patient you are for complications from a COVID-19 infection.
COVID-19 Symptoms?
Summary of the Current Public Health Guidance:
If you have tested positive for COVID-19 on rapid antigen testing (RAT) or PRC testing from a hospital admission and you are fully vaccinated (2 or 3 doses or more) you should self-isolate for at least 5 days from the date you developed symptoms. It is advisable to extend your 5 day isolation by a few more days until you no longer have active symptoms if necessary.
If you have tested positive for COVID-19 on RAT testing or PCR testing from a hospital admission and you’re not fully vaccinated or you are immunocompromised, you should self-isolate for at least 10 days from the date you developed symptoms, or from the date of the positive COVID-19 test result if you have no symptoms.
If you have a negative result of a RAT test but you have symptoms that could be COVID-19, you should repeat a second RAT test 24 to 48 hour later if available. If your second test taken within 48 hours of your first negative result is also negative, this most likely means you do not have COVID-19 and you do not need to self-isolate. It is however still smart to isolate until your symptoms are better, so that you don’t spread your non-COVID virus to others who will then have to be worried they have COVID!
If you have symptoms that could be COVID-19 and do not have access to a RAT test, assume that you could have COVID-19 and self-isolate for 5 days if you are fully vaccinated (2 or 3 doses) or 10 days if you are not vaccinated or are immunocompromised. If you are coming to the clinic with symptoms that could be COVID-19 and you have not been able to RAT test at home, we can provide you with a COVID RAT test when you arrive. If you test positive at the office, we will continue your appointment virtually. If you need to be examined for symptoms of COVID-19 we can refer you the Mississauga COVID, Cough and Flu Clinic where they can manage community COVID-19 cases with less risk of transmission to others.
Masks Are Still Required at Our Office If You Have Illness Symptoms
Since August 2023, masking for asymptomatic patients is optional at our office. If you care coming into the clinic with any acute illness symptoms (fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose, body aches, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea) that can easily be spread to others, we ask that you wear a mask as a courtesy to other patients attending the clinic and to our staff. Thank you for your cooperation.
Verbal Abuse is Not Acceptable
Since the pandemic we have unfortunately experienced a higher-than-ever-before number of situations in which patients are being verbally abusive to our office staff. This will not be tolerated. Our primary purpose is to care for our patients and to meet their health care needs. Call volumes and patient needs are higher than they have ever been before or many different reasons: patients in Ontario are more vulnerable than ever since the pandemic, patients are catching up on their care needs after pandemic delays, specialist wait times are longer than ever, surgeries wee postponed, and primary care providers are being asked to shoulder more patient care needs at the same time that we also provide vaccinations, mental health care, elder care, and a lot of administrative work to support our patients. We are doing our best! We apologize if you have to wait on hold on the phone for longer than usual, but if that results in you getting same-day help for your needs, that’s a good outcome. Please bring your kindest and most patient communication skills to your interactions with our staff. We will do the same, and we are confident that everyone’s needs can be properly met. Thank you very much.
In-Person Care and Virtual Care
The combination of In-Person and Virtual Care continues to the be the new normal in primary care Family Medicine. If you are seeing your doctor for in-person care at least once every 24 months, you and your doctor can decide together whether a visit should be In-Person Care or Virtual Care. We are figuring out this new combination of In-Person Care and Virtual Care together, and our doctors continue to follow all of the guidance provided by the CFPC (College of Family Physician of Canada), the OMA (Ontario Medical Association), the CPSO (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario) and the MOH (Ministry of Health).
Please Help Us Manage Your Prescriptions
Please book your routine follow-up appointments as your physician has recommended and let us know with a few weeks’ notice if you do not have enough medication to last until your next follow-up with your doctor. Ask your pharmacy to contact us well in advance of your medication running out where appropriate. We receive hundreds of prescription renewal requests per week, and it may take up to 3-4 business days for your renewal request to be processed. Thank you.
Physician Team Updates
Dr. Yashna Vaidya will be away on maternity leave from Monday November 4 2024 through to Monday June 30 2025. We have a very experienced locum physician, Dr. Elena Kolb, joining us to provide locum coverage for Dr. Vaidya’s patients throughout this entire time period. Dr. Vaidya’s patients will be well cared for by Dr. Kolb and by the rest of the Dixie Road team as usual for urgent same-day and same-week appointment needs. We wish Dr. Vaidya a happy and healthy maternity leave enjoying her time with her family!
Important Practice Announcement
Dear Patients of Dr. Richard Thorner and Patients of Dixie Road Medical Associates,
This letter is to inform you that Dr. Thorner will be retiring at the end of August 2022 after more than 38 years of practice at Dixie Road Medical Associates. We are so happy for Dr. Thorner that he will get to enjoy his retirement with his family, and we thank him for the enormous contributions he has made to our team. Dr. Thorner will be sorely missed at our office as his humour, wit, kindness and medical savvy have been so appreciated and valued by his colleagues and his patients over his career.
We want to assure Dr. Thorner’s patients that their care here at DRMA will continue to be provided. Dr. Indraneel Karnik will be joining Dixie Road Medical Associates on September 6, 2022 to take over Dr. Thorner’s practice and roster of patients. Please refer to the biography of Dr. Karnik that we have included on the next page. Dr. Karnik is a kind, capable and experienced family physician with super communication skills, and we are very excited to welcome him to our DRMA family. On a nice personal note, Dr. Karnik went to school with Dr. Thorner’s son Grant, so the Thorner family has known him for years. We can’t think of a nicer way for Dr. Thorner to be passing the care of his patients on to a trusted incoming physician.
Copies of this practice announcement will be emailed to all of Dr. Thorner’s patients who have provided an email address for their office chart, will be mailed to all patients who do not have an email address on file with us, will be posted on our website at drma.ca, and will be available in hard copy form at the office front desk. We ask that all patients of Dr. Thorner’s who wish to have their care transferred to Dr. Karnik complete the FHO Enrollment form that is included with this email or mailing as soon as possible. The Ministry of Health requires this to confirm your spot at the practice with Dr. Karnik. The completed form may be returned by email, mail or in person.
Thank you and best regards,
Dixie Road Medical Associates
Important Practice Announcement
Dear Patients of Dr. Stephanie Finn and Patients of Dixie Road Medical Associates,
This letter is to inform you that Dr. Stephanie Finn will be leaving Dixie Road Medical and the practice of general Family Medicine at the end of March 2022. Dr. Finn has been a valued member of our Dixie Road Medical physician team since 2010 and we know that our staff and her patients will miss her greatly. We thank Dr. Finn for all her hard work and her friendship over the last 12 years, and we wish her all the best as she pursues other medical career interests including Women’s Health Menopause Care in the future.
We want to assure Dr. Finn’s patients that their care here at DRMA will continue to be provided. Dr. Yashna Vaidya has been carefully selected and hired to take over Dr. Finn’s practice and roster of patients. Since Dr. Vaidya is currently expecting her first child in April 2022, Dr. Sherry Fahmy has been hired as an experienced locum physician who will provide Dr. Vaidya’s maternity leave coverage from April 4 to October 3, 2022. Dr. Vaidya will begin work full time after her maternity leave on October 4, 2022. Dr. Vaidya will be a wonderful addition to our DRMA team and she is looking forward to joining us to practice full time Family Medicine with her own dedicated roster of patients.
Please refer to the biography of Dr. Vaidya that we have included. Dr. Vaidya is a very enthusiastic, capable and friendly physician with excellent communication skills, and we are very excited to welcome her to our DRMA family.
Copies of this practice announcement will be emailed to all of Dr. Finn’s patients who have provided an email address for their office chart, will be mailed to all patients who do not have an email address on file with us, will be posted on our website at drma.ca, and will be available in hard copy form at the office front desk. We ask that all patients of Dr. Finn’s who wish to enroll with Dr. Vaidya complete the FHO Enrollment form that was emailed or mailed out to them as the Ministry of Health requires this within 6 months of a physician’s departure to confirm your spot in the practice. The completed form may be returned by email, mail or in person.
Thank you and best regards,
Dixie Road Medical Associates
Important Practice Announcement
Dear Patients of Dr. Akram Baeshu and Patients of Dixie Road Medical Associates,
This letter is to inform you that due to personal and family circumstances, Dr. Akram Baeshu will be leaving Dixie Road Medical to move to Alberta at the end of February 2022. When Dr. Baeshu joined DRMA in January 2020 to take over the practice of Dr. Thorneloe, he expected to be with us long-term, but sometimes life unfolds with other plans for us. Dr. Baeshu has made a huge contribution as a valued physician and colleague on our team, and we wish him and his family all the very best for their future in Alberta.
We want to assure Dr. Baeshu’s patients that their care here at DRMA will continue to be provided. Dr. Imran Ansari has been carefully selected and hired to take over Dr. Baeshu’s practice and roster of patients. Dr. Ansari joined us on May 2nd, 2022 and he is a wonderful addition to our DRMA team.
Please note that because all of our physicians have full and busy practices, we are not able to accommodate requests for Dr. Baeshu’s patients to transfer to another physician that they know within our group.
Please also refer to the letter of introduction below from Dr. Ansari to his patients that we have included. Dr. Ansari is a very qualified, capable, and kind physician and we are delighted to welcome him to DRMA. We know that Dr. Ansari will work hard with the rest of our team to make this a smooth transition for all.

A Few of our Doctors
are Accepting New Patients
Several of our physicians are currently accepting new patients. If you are a patient at DRMA and have immediate family members who need a new family doctor, please speak to your own doctor, our Business Manager Bernadette Kieley or our Assistant Business Manager Kayla Bennett as we may be able to help. If you are interested in becoming a patient at Dixie Road Medical, you can register by clicking on the button below or calling front desk for registration instructions. Join Waiting List

A Great Place
for Medical Care
Dr.Reg Perkin established a family medicine practice in Mississauga, Ontario in 1956 and it grew to become Dixie Road Medical Associates, now a group practice of nine family physicians. As a Family Health Organization serving Mississauga and neighboring communities, the family doctors of this practice pride themselves in looking after the health and wellbeing of their patients and their families for generations.

We Are Your
Partners For Life
At Dixie Road Medical Associates, our doctors value the partnership they build with their patients. Having a good doctor-patient partnership will lead to better medical care and most importantly, better health outcomes. Dr.Reg Perkin set the standards for our clinic 67 years ago and our doctors continue on with the same goals and dedication.
Best Quality
DRMA is highly valued within our community for looking after multi-generation families over many years. We care for families and participate in their life journeys in sickness and in health. We always strive to offer the best care possible to our patients.
Before You Go To A Walk In Clinic
Before You Go To A Walk In Clinic
Before you go to a walk-in-clinic please STOP and think! It is always a safer plan to get in to see your own doctor, or to see one of your doctor’s colleagues at our office. Here at Dixie Road Medical Assocaites we offer routine appointments as well as same-day URGENT Appointments (FHO appointments). We know that we can fall ill unexpectedly and it’s best to see your own physician. Dixie Road Medical Associates offers in-hours and after hours services for urgent issues to our registered patients. After-Hours Care : Monday to Friday 5:00m- 8:00pm – please call our office as early in the day as possible to reserve a same-day appointment. All of our physicians have same day appointments incorporated into their daily schedule to provide for urgent same-day visits. You can be offered a same day appointment anytime between our regular office hours of 8:30 am-8:00 pm. Saturdays 10am-3pm – Doors will open at 10am, and patients will be seen on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please note that the doctor on call may have to limit the daily total of patients to 40-45 registrants for safety of patient care if the clinic is particularly busy on a Saturday.