Medical Emergency
If you have a medical emergency please call 911 or go to your local Emergency Departement

Telephone Health Advisory Service
Call if you require urgent phone consultation with a registered nurse1-866-553-7205 24 hours/ 7 days a week.
Urgent Appointments
Please call our office as early in the day as possible when you are in need of a same-day appointment. You will be given an appointment with your own physician whenever possible, but all of our doctors cover for each other when required for patients’ urgent same-day needs
Monday to Friday 8:00am- 8:00pm – please call our office as early as possible to reserve a same-day appointment. As some physicians have same day appointments incorporated into their daily schedule to cater for the urgently requested appointments. So, you may be offered a same day appointment anytime between 8:30:am-8:00pm.
Saturdays 10am-3pm – registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and our front doors open at 10:00. In the event of a very high volume of patients, the doctor on call may have to limit the daily total of patients to 40-45 registrants for safety of patient care.
Please inform the Medical Office Assistant of the nature and urgency of your concern, to accommodate appropriate scheduling.
What constitutes as an urgent issue? Some examples may include:
• a child that is sick or has a fever
• suspected bladder infection
• An infection that you think may require antibiotics
• New pain requiring prescription medication
• mental health crisis
What should be a regular visit?
• Needing refills for your long-term medicines
• Follow up for existing concerns previously discussed with your family doctor
• needing notes/forms/documents completed
• Preventative health visits: well baby checks, immunizations, annual visit, cancer screening tests
• Memory assessments (Neurocognitive assessment)
• New patient Meet and Greet.
Pre-natal appointments will be accommodated in a timely fashion by our doctors as and when needed.
This service is intended as a way to avoid unnecessary visits to urgent care and walk-in clinics:
1. As part of an FHO, we are funded by OHIP to offer you these services to reduce unneeded tests and treatments. Using a walk-in or urgent care clinic results in OHIP penalizing us financially each time you see a doctor that we did not refer you to.
2. The after-hours clinic allows the treating doctor to have access to your chart, and your own doctor to see exactly what happened at the visit, including any tests or follow-ups that are required. This helps reduce lost tests and follow up visits (that are often done via telephone).
This system is both in your best interest and Ontario’s healthcare, as it reduces unnecessary tests, antibiotic use and allows your doctor to receive all reports in a timely manner. It also reduces your wait time, as specific appointments time will be given to you.
As always, please dial 9-1-1 or attend your nearest emergency department for life-threatening problems. ( If you have CHEST PAIN, ACUTE SHORTNESS OF BREATH, SIGNS OF STROKE, ACTIVE BLEEDING, or SERIOUS INJURY call 911)
Regular Appointments
We strive to see our patients in a timely manner. We will always try to accommodate same-day appointments for urgent medical concerns.
For non-urgent (regular) visits we will try to see you within 4 weeks.
Periodic health and well-being visits may take longer to book as they are not urgent.
Tip: Please plan ahead and call in advance to ensure you have timely appointments for your health needs.
To book an appointment, please call our office and speak with one of our lovely medical office assistants.
In order to make the most of your visit:
1. Let the front staff know what your issue is when you book, so they can give you an appropriate time slot and prepare for your arrival.
2.Come 10 minutes early to each appointment to complete any needed paperwork or exams (blood pressure, weight, urine test etc), this will maximize the actual time you can spend with your physician.
3. Please remember that your doctor may not be able to address all of your concerns in one appointment slot. Remember your doctor has specific questions to ask you too, so knowing what you need from your doctor in advance will help make sure nothing is missed.
o Ideas, Concerns and Expectations – Please feel free to share your thoughts about your problem with your doctor and also inform them early on what you are hoping to achieve out of the consultation. This will help your doctor formulate an acceptable shared management plan.
4. Bring your medications to each appointment (in case your doctor needs to review and update your refills) to avoid running out of medicine or having the pharmacy request refills on your behalf.
5. Do not “save up” all your problems for a visit. Please see your doctor as soon as you have a problem that concerns you. A long list often results in you receiving a variety of information that is confused or forgotten. It also limits how thorough your doctor can be as he/she does have to work within the time constraints of your appointment.
6. Complete any tests ordered by your doctor in a timely manner (ie bloodwork, imaging tests etc). If you are expecting to have a certain test or appointment booked by our office and was not given the name of the specialist you were being referred to. Please call our Referrals Administrator if 3-4 weeks have passed and you haven’t heard anything about your appointment.
7. To avoid out-of-pocket costs:
o Ensure you bring a VALID health card to each visit. If your health card is not valid, you will be charged the OMA rate as an “uninsured” patient. However, if you bring your VALID healthcard into the office within 60 days of the invoice date you will be refunded.
oIf you are late, or do not attend your appointment, you may be charged a “No Show” fee, and your appointment will need to be re-booked.
o If you know you will be running late, please call the office to see if they can reschedule your appointment.
o Our doctors work hard to accommodate patient’s needs. Therefore, occasionally they may run late on their schedule. Please be patient and be mindful that if you require the same level of care your doctor will spend the extra time to look after you. If you decide not wait to see your doctor for your scheduled appointment you may be charged a “No Show” fee.